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Caixões Fema FBI

E.U.A. government (FEMA) has Millions of Coffins of plastic, ready.Have a more attentive glance on the coffins, one of them can be for you! which the plan?

By: Bulov on: 29.04.2009 [00:14] (643 reads) For: Bulov in: 29/04/2009 [00:14]

Saturday, August 8, 2009
E.U.A. government (FEMA) has Millions of Coffins of plastic, ready.Have a more attentive glance on the coffins, one of them can be for you! which the plan?

By: Bulov on: 29.04.2009 [00:14] (643 reads) For: Bulov in: 29/04/2009 [00:14]

E.U.A. government (FEMA) has Millions of Coffins of plastic, ready. Have a more attentive glance on the coffins, one of them can be for you! which the plan?

Yes, those are cheap coffins of plastic. Hundreds of thousands of them. Don't believe? Because coffins? Because in the middle of Georgia?

Well, seemingly, the Government is the wait of half millions of people to die relatively brief, and that Atlanta Airport is a great company aerial traffic hub, probably the largest of the country, what means that Georgia is an excellent base for the transport of military operations and of coordination. It is also the home of CDC, the Center it goes Disease Control.

I don't want anybody alarm, but usually you not to buy 500.000 plastic coffins "only for the case of some to happen thing", you to buy them, because you know about something that will happen. Would these contentores air tight stamp be perfect to bury the victims of the plague or biological war us, would not they be?
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