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Captain Jackson - Michigan

8:57:00 AM

Captain Jackson - Michigan

8:57:00 AM

27 April - 1981 – Xerox PARC introduces the computer mouse - Today in History

3:06:00 AM

27 April - 1981 – Xerox PARC introduces the computer mouse - Today in History

3:06:00 AM

27 April,1974 – Ten thousand march in Washington, DC, calling for the impeachment of US President Richard Nixon - Today in history

3:03:00 AM

27 April,1974 – Ten thousand march in Washington, DC, calling for the impeachment of US President Richard Nixon - Today in history

3:03:00 AM

26 april,1986 – Chernobyl Nuclear disaster -Today in History

2:23:00 AM

26 april,1986 – Chernobyl Nuclear disaster -Today in History

2:23:00 AM

26 april, 1607 – English colonists make landfall at Cape Henry , Virginia - Today in History

2:20:00 AM

26 april, 1607 – English colonists make landfall at Cape Henry , Virginia - Today in History

2:20:00 AM

Italian Artist builds home in book format

12:30:00 PM

Italian Artist builds home in book format

12:30:00 PM

American fits over 2200 toothpicks in his beard

12:27:00 PM

American fits over 2200 toothpicks in his beard

12:27:00 PM

Australian tries to crush more than 40 watermelons with his head

12:25:00 PM

Australian tries to crush more than 40 watermelons with his head

12:25:00 PM

disastrous plastic surgery become famous monsters

12:23:00 PM

disastrous plastic surgery become famous monsters

12:23:00 PM

Woman applies almost R $ 3000 in botox in the US and flee without paying

12:17:00 PM

Woman applies almost R $ 3000 in botox in the US and flee without paying

12:17:00 PM

Students collect more than one million pennies

12:15:00 PM

Students collect more than one million pennies

12:15:00 PM

Man is caught exchanging pig for drugs in the US

12:13:00 PM

Man is caught exchanging pig for drugs in the US

12:13:00 PM

US clinic offers free botox for unemployed

12:10:00 PM

US clinic offers free botox for unemployed

12:10:00 PM

Indian boy undergoes surgery after fish 9 cm to end up in the lung

12:09:00 PM

Indian boy undergoes surgery after fish 9 cm to end up in the lung

12:09:00 PM

Curious News

News about curiosities around the world - hover over and click the post you want to read

Curious News

News about curiosities around the world - hover over and click the post you want to read

Photos of the day

See photos of what happens around the world during the day- hover over and click the post you want to read

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Trump turns to reporters on Air Force One makes jaw-dropping confession about Asia trip. President Donald Trump’s “America First” policy regarding trade with foreign nations is indicative of having a successful businessman at the helm of our country. For many years now, trade deficits have been putting a massive burden on taxpayers, the economy, and the national debt.

President Donald Trump Speech

Top General Just Turned on President Trump

China, Russia, NOKO and USA News Updates, Pres Trump news.

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