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US clinic offers free botox for unemployed

Most wanted to improve appearance to help with job interviews.
Application of Botox is the most common cosmetic procedure in the United States.

A clinic in Arlington, in Virginia (RUA) offers botox injections free for unemployed workers. The initiative attracted dozens of people,

"Age is a handicap," said Colleen Delsack, 47, who received Botox injections to smooth fine lines around your eyes and forehead.

Most patients expected to improve their appearance to help, at least psychologically, in job interviews in the future.

According to the American Society of Plastic Surgeons, botox application is the most common cosmetic procedure in the US. Last year, we made more than 5 million treatments of this type.

The clinic doctor Shannon Ginnan said patients are mostly women. However he pointed out that the applications do not make miracles, because the deep wrinkles in the skin, for example, do not disappear completely.

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