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Italian company creates graves in capsules for food trees

Project is to create biodegradable capsules egg-shaped.
There are two types of caps, both made of corn and potato starch.

The human body may serve as a nutrient for trees through a new method of burial capsule proposed by an Italian company that plans to start applying it in the United States and the United Kingdom.
The project is to create biodegradable capsules egg-shaped, made of starch and the ashes of the deceased - or even the entire body - which will serve to nourish seeds of trees that will be planted on top.


The idea of ​​creating so "memory forests" is entrepreneurs Citelli Anna and Raoul Bretzel, who proposed that the seeds are chosen for life by the users as a "last wish", explained Bretzel Efe.The project was called "Capsule Mundi" and provides for the creation of "green cemeteries for (traditional cemeteries) are no longer filled with headstones and turn into sacred forests frequented by friends," defended Bretzel.


The managers projected two types of biodegradable capsules, both made from corn and potato starch.In the coming weeks will launch a model of reduced dimensions to contain human ashes, but the price per unit has not been established, he said.


There will also be a second model larger, that fit a human body placed in the fetal position. This proposal is still under development for reasons "technical, biological and legal," the business.In both cases, the capsules - or eggs - perform the same function as the coffin, since the body will be buried, but with the difference that there will be a wooden coffin, but in a biodegradable container.


The intention is to allow "a kind of organic recycling to melt the loved one with the nature of a viable and fair way, to make a posthumous monument when we lose a loved one," defended Bretzel.


The businessman also considered "poetic and comforting" that people can visit the tree fed with the remains of their loved ones, take care of it or rest in its shade.Instead of going to the cemetery to clean a tombstone, this type of burial permits "devote time for a tree to grow strong and healthy, knowing that a part of their loved one is there," said Bretzel.


"The tree is the union between earth and heaven. To make a coffin that will be used for three days is cut a tree that needed 10-40 years to grow," he said.


He also explained that the type of seed that will be planted on the capsule not only depend on the will of the person, but also the climate of the burial site of the region, according to three reference areas. In mountainous regions, the suggestion is zimbreiros and firs; for the Mediterranean, olive and eucalyptus trees. 

The type of burial promoted by these entrepreneurs are prohibited by Italian law, which provides that cemeteries should be located in a controlled and closed area, but Bretzel and Citelli are collecting signatures to change a law they consider "old-fashioned".


They assured that they are receiving "several" applications for United States information, the UK and Australia, countries that allow this type of burial and where they intend to market the first capsules."In Italy it is forbidden to use biodegradable coffins, but not in the states that marketing is prohibited," argued Bretzel. 

The businessman also said that with this project wants to contribute to give an alternative that avoids saturation of traditional cemeteries and show that there are innovative solutions for postmortem.

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